Apa yg sy tulis ni kdang2 pndai serius, pndai dtang buduh, pndai mengopy n share dri tmpat len n so on. Kadang2 datang rajin update entry, kadang2 dtang malas smpai berbulan2 x lawat ni blog. Bntuk pnulisan pun kdang2 pndai skema, kdang2 pndai... ntah, kdang2 blur... (x pham uda apa sa tulis). Apa2 pun, buatla blog ni cam rumah sendri yer hehe...

Hi U all. Folo la sa...

Sa mo jawap ni kalo ada urang annoying bacakap sema sa...

Rule : respond to these as sarcastic/mean as you could.
(YR stands for Your Response)
happy reading =D

If an annoying person says :

1) I am cute.
YR : boleh la...

2) I am the most beautiful/handsome.
YR : boleh la...

3) See, everyone loves me because I am rich and famous.
YR : hehe... (bwat muka sengih2)

4) Unlike you, I am perfectly multi-skilled. I do everything very well from sports to academic thing.
YR : snyum mmanjang...

5) You don't know me? I am Bruneian artist; I have albums.
YR : ow yaka? bila mo buat album p msia? (lyan ja kc kambang buntut beliau)

If an annoying hot woman/man says :

1) I know you like me.
YR :senyum...

2) What are u looking at? I am not interested in you!
YR : sori...

3) Sorry, you're nice but seriously not my type.
YR : bah yala apa bleh buat... (cam la sa mau)

4) UNLESS you are rich, then don't dream that I will get a ride with you!
YR : mbah pa bleh buat lau ko x mau...

5) Look, I am pretty/ handsome; I can make people hate you!
YR : jangan...

If an annoying extremely ugly woman/man says :

1) I think you and I can make a good couple.
YR : bah, mari la kita bekapel

2) May I have your cell phone number? please please please?
YR : apa ko mo buat num sa. sa jrg tau guna enpon (mo mngelak2)

3) Hi, wanna hang out? I want you to be with me the whole night.
YR : kjap ja la ah. sa capat busan ba...

4) What do you like about me?
YR : ur big heart, ur big eyes, ur... (ckap2 ja yg pnting dia puas ati)

5) I want you to say that I am pretty/handsome and you like me soooooooo much!
YR : k i cakap yer... "im hensem n u like me sooooo much!" nah puas ati ko?

If your enemy says :

1) Hi bitch!
YR : hai juga

2) You smell like shit!
YR : alamak sa blum mndi la ni...

3) What an ugly creature you are!
YR : tak memasal la u ni...

4) I am going to kick your ass in this race for sure.
YR : kick la awal2. sa enda mo lawan ko...

If your annoying ex says :

1) I still love you...
YR : sa pon love u tp itu dulu la...

2) I know you still love me!
YR : uda pun tu sa gtau ko tp yg dulu la...

3) Please, come back with me honey/hubby...
YR : bah bleh ba kalo kau...

4) Please call me...
YR : sa teda krdt owh. nnti ko miskal sa ah...

5) The break up hurt me so much...
YR : sa pon rasa cam ko rasa tp skrang ok uda la

layan ja dia bacakap...

If an annoying salesperson says :

1) Wow! You are so pretty/handsome!
YR : haha tq

2) Seriously, I used this product and I've changed!
YR : ah yaka, cam semula jadi owh... (buat muka bsungguh2)

3) We are giving a discount up to 50%!
YR : uii nah murah tu! inda bleh up skit lg ka?

4) This one is good sir/madam. Buy sir/madam. Buy...
YR : sa p nengo dulu brg d sana nnti sa singgah lg p sini karang ah... (smbil brlalu n senyum)

ps :deh, ni jawapan urang bagus ni suma ni. inda ku ada idea camana mo kasi jahat ni kata2 yg prlu diungkapkan dihadapan beliau2...


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