Apa yg sy tulis ni kdang2 pndai serius, pndai dtang buduh, pndai mengopy n share dri tmpat len n so on. Kadang2 datang rajin update entry, kadang2 dtang malas smpai berbulan2 x lawat ni blog. Bntuk pnulisan pun kdang2 pndai skema, kdang2 pndai... ntah, kdang2 blur... (x pham uda apa sa tulis). Apa2 pun, buatla blog ni cam rumah sendri yer hehe...

Hi U all. Folo la sa...


She took a bus ride down to KL, ALONE, in support of the rally. She was stopped 4 times, questioned by the police on why she is wearing yellow. "Why can't I wear yellow?" was her reply.

She did not know what time the rally was scheduled to start, she did not know where, she has no one with her; all she knew was to get down to KL, and stand for what she believes in.

"I only wish to petition in peace, but why nobody is willing to listen? We cannot walk away, else how are we supposed to walk for the future?"

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