Apa yg sy tulis ni kdang2 pndai serius, pndai dtang buduh, pndai mengopy n share dri tmpat len n so on. Kadang2 datang rajin update entry, kadang2 dtang malas smpai berbulan2 x lawat ni blog. Bntuk pnulisan pun kdang2 pndai skema, kdang2 pndai... ntah, kdang2 blur... (x pham uda apa sa tulis). Apa2 pun, buatla blog ni cam rumah sendri yer hehe...

Hi U all. Folo la sa...

When u attack Black people, they call it racism. When u attack Jewish people, they call it anti-semetism. When u attack women, they call it sexism. When u attack homosexuality, they call it intolerance. When u attack a Country, they call it treason.When u attack a religious sect, they call it hate. But when they attack the Prophet Mohammed, they call it freedom of speech?  -Ialwayscare


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